Arada Ecoburn 5 (S3)


The Ecoburn 5 (S3) wood burner features the latest and best new Arada heating technology that combines a traditional stove appearance with Ecodesign credentials. The Arada Ecoburn 5 log burning stove has a large door glass with a beautiful view of the flames it is a stylish and easy-to-use heating companion for the home. The practical needs of the modern-day stove user all feature on the Ecoburn 5kW stove including a powerful airwash system, flexi-fuel riddling grate, direct air connection and 12mm hearth installation. Where possible it always pays to room seal a stove as the average chimney drags warm air from a room to outside. The Arada Ecoburn 5 can be room sealed through an external wall to eliminate this heat loss.




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