Mendip Ashcott Wide Catalyst Eco Woodburning Stove


The Mendip Ashcott Wide Catalyst Woodburning stove features a deep contoured cast iron door along with a slim convection top plate and cast iron legs. The door has a magnetic mechanism for ease of use. The huge glass viewing window allows for a full, uninterrupted view of the dancing flames on display whilst the slimline design allows for installation into the tightest of spaces. The Mendip Ashcott Wide Catalyst Woodburning stove is DEFRA approved for use in smoke controlled areas and is SIA Ecodesign ready. The Ashcott Wide is fitted with a environmentally friendly catalyst to ensure the stove always emits less to the enviroment.

Flue Diameter: 125mm (5")

Heat Output: 4.7KW

Overall Height: 600mm

Overall Width: 620mm

Overall Depth: 305mm

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