Parkray Aspect 6 Eco Stove

Aspect 6

The Parkray Aspect 6 has a heat output ranging from 4-7.5kW, easily producing enough heat to warm up a standard to larger sized room. It’s a perfect choice for a wide fireplace or large inglenook, with wide dimensions. It keeps the contemporary, sleek style that has made the Aspect range a top seller, with a slim body and large glass panel that provides maximum viewing pleasure of the flickering flames within.

With a steel body and cast iron door, this simple yet elegant stove looks perfect in both traditional and modern rooms, and you can choose from either a black or stainless steel door handle to suit your décor. With a superb efficiency rating of 78.3%, the Parkray Aspect 6 will ensure that you get maximum heat from the fuel you use before needing to refuel. It has a clearSkies rating of 5, and has been approved by DEFRA for use in smoke control zones across the UK. It is EcoDesign-ready, having met all the latest emissions and particulates standards for wood-burning stoves.

Flue Diameter: 127mm

Heat Output: 4.9KW

Overall Height: 623mm

Overall Width: 557mm

Overall Depth: 422mm

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