Celsi Electriflame VR Gemma 1000 Illumia Electric Suite


The largest model in the Gemma range of designer fireplace suites from Celsi, this 1000 model features the highly advanced 'Electriflame' glass-fronted engine delivering indistinguishable real flame sophistication. E-VR patented technology raises the appearance and functionality of electric fires to a new level. This state-of-the-art electric fire is housed within a stunning, modern fireplace suite which benefits from simple, free-standing installation.

To add to the modern styling, the Gemma Illumia 1000 includes integrated downlights creating room ambiance with warm soft LED spot lamps. With an overall suite width of 1565mm (61½") with a 1005mm (39½") flame display, this stunning fireplace is guaranteed to become the main feature within any home.

Enjoy the dazzling flame effect all year round on flame only setting. Instant heat is available from the concealed fan heater and you can enjoy armchair operation of the flame on/off, LED brightness and heater settings using the Gemma 1000 Electriflame's thermostatic remote control.

Heat Output: 1.6KW