Celsi Electriflame VR Volare 750 Suite


E-VR Volare is a wall-mounted Electric Suite with integrated downlights creating room ambiance with soft LED spot lamps. This hang-on-the-wall suite incorporates the spectacular 750 Electriflame 3-sided electric fire with advanced flame effect. Installation is straightforward using the bracket supplied to secure the suite on to a flat wall.

Finished in smooth white, the Celsi Electriflame VR Volare 750 can bring any room to life with its cutting edge, contemporary styling whether it be the lounge, dining room, extension, conservatory etc. Once fixed on to the wall and plugged in, it will bring the room to life with the beautiful 3-sided, glass-fronted electric fire delivering indistinguishable real flame sophistication.

Heat Output: 2KW