Celsi Ultiflame VR Angelo Electric Suite


Featuring the beautiful Angelo Portuguese limestone fireplace with chunky, chamfered detail on the legs and chest which is softened by a triple stepped mantel shelf and lipped hearth. The centerpiece for this complete electric suite is the 22" widescreen Ultiflame VR electric fire with incredible flame visuals and up to 1600W of convected fan heat whenever needed.

This innovative technology provides a Virtual flame-Real fire experience through 3-Dimensional visual depth, and realistic flame movements. Its deep fuel bed has supremely detailed ceramics that capture the authentic shape and texture of natural logs, placed over a perception of hot crystal embers.

Ideal for properties with or without a chimney, the Celsi Ultiflame VR Angelo suite is crafted from this gorgeous natural stone which has a lovely overall tone of cream with subtle random veining and crystal lines. These natural markings are an inherent feature of this product and are what set it apart from man-made materials.

The fire is operated by a multifunctional remote control with manual override controls also located on the appliance. It has a low energy, LED flame only setting with four brightness levels where you can enjoy the rising yellow flames (plus a yellow & blue flame option) on their own without any heat. When you do need a boost of heat, the fire has an integrated fan heater capable of offering 800W or 1600W of warmth plus a thermostat for added comfort.